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Wayne Allyn Root

COMMENTARY: All is not lost for the Nevada GOP

Set your clocks back to 2014. The Nevada GOP, led by Brian Sandoval, had just won a landslide victory — sweeping every statewide office and winning both houses of the Legislature for the first time in many decades.

COMMENTARY: Mainstream media presenting a distorted view of reality

Just by cutting a bunch of regulations and giving entrepreneurs, risk-takers, CEOs and small-business owners “hope,” President Trump has brought us back from the dead. But has this been a headline in the news? No. It’s nowhere to be found.

COMMENTARY: A wildly successful first 100 days for Donald Trump

The same polls that oversampled Democrats to make it seem Trump would lose the election by double digits, are the same ones that nowoversample Democrats to make Trump seem unpopular.

Here’s why Nevada went blue

My most recent column focused on the smashing victory by Donald Trump and the GOP at all levels of government — federal, state and local. The Republican Party is now the dominant political party in America.