Las Vegas Review Journal News | Selling flowers during a pandemic
Las Vegas Review Journal News | Selling flowers during a pandemic

John DiBella, co-owner of DiBella Flowers & Gifts, talks about what his family owned shop is doing to get ready to sell flowers during Valentine’s Day, on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021. (Erik Verduzco / Las Vegas Review-Journal) @Erik_Verduzco

Las Vegas Review Journal News | Can Nevada keep its promise of an equitable vaccine rollout?
Las Vegas Review Journal News | Can Nevada keep its promise of an equitable vaccine rollout?

Recent data shows a relatively small number of vaccines are going to residents of Black and Latino neighborhoods where COVID-19 cases have proliferated in Southern Nevada. Across the region at large, the two minority groups have been immunized at disproportionately low rates compared to their white and Asian counterparts. (Rachel Aston/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Las Vegas Review Journal News | West Virginia Vaccinations Excel
Las Vegas Review Journal News | West Virginia Vaccinations Excel

In the race to vaccinate their residents, West Virginia is near the top of the states with help from regional business owners like Lynne Fruth of the Fruth Pharmacy chain who are stepping up to employ their resources as well.