Split Las Vegas City Council votes to repeal pet store ban
Split Las Vegas City Council votes to repeal pet store ban

A split Las Vegas City Council on Wednesday repealed a ban on that would have kept local pet stores from selling animals they didn’t obtain from animal care facilities or rescue organizations. The repeal vote followed hours of comments from passionate public speakers where those who wanted to keep the ban in place doubled the number of those who wanted it tossed. Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, who favored the repeal, wants to convene a committee look at stamping out “puppy mills,” large-scale and inhumane commercial breeding operations. “We are opposed to puppy mills. Everything they are. This will not affect puppy mills,” Goodman said of the ban. “They’re going to continue to be there.” Pro-repeal speakers pushed for the council to overturn the ban to maintain a choice for city residents. Pet shop owners said it would force them out of business. Councilmen Stavros Anthony and Bob Coffin and Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian voted to let the ban take effect in early 2018. All three supported the ban when the council voted in 2016.

Consumer safety watchdog sounds alarm about worst toys
Consumer safety watchdog sounds alarm about worst toys

BOSTON — Fidget spinners, a plastic Wonder Woman battle sword and a remote-controlled Spider-Man drone are among the toys topping a consumer safety group’s annual list of worst toys for the holidays. World Against Toys Causing Harm, or WATCH, unveiled the top 10 list Tuesday at a Boston children’s hospital. The nonprofit organization has been releasing the lists for more than four decades. The Toy Association, an industry trade group, dismissed the list as “needlessly frightening” to parents because all toys sold in the U.S. meet “rigorous” safety standards. It also criticized the organization for not testing the toys it focuses on.

Nevada Politics Today: Segerblom calls for higher taxes, greater county control of CCSD
Nevada Politics Today: Segerblom calls for higher taxes, greater county control of CCSD

Sen. Tick Segerblom is running for the Clark County Commission, District E, but he’s keeping one eye on the Clark County School District. Segerblom wants to increase both the sales and property taxes and have the county commission take control of the school board.

Segerblom made his comments while appearing on Nevada Politics Today.

“We need those extra resources that we just don’t have right now and that costs money,” said Segerblom of his desire to raise the sales tax in Clark County by one percent. “We cannot be held hostage by the rest of the state.”