Sisolak praises Nevadans for staying at home, saving lives – VIDEO
Sisolak praises Nevadans for staying at home, saving lives – VIDEO

Gov. Steve Sisolak said Thursday it’s still too early to know when the state’s COVID-19 shutdown orders could be lifted or when businesses could start to reopen their doors. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Trump gives governors 3-phase approach to open US – VIDEO
Trump gives governors 3-phase approach to open US – VIDEO

President Donald Trump declared victory in America’s war against the “invisible enemy” as the president’s Coronavirus Task Force released “Opening up America Again” guidelines. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Kamala Harris campaigns in Las Vegas
Kamala Harris campaigns in Las Vegas

Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris castigated President Donald Trump’s merit-based immigration plan, saying it was “short-sighted” and overlooked the cultural significance of family, during a campaign stop in Las Vegas.

“We cannot allow people to start parsing and pointing fingers and creating hierarchies among immigrants,” Harris told Asian Pacific Islander leaders at a Chinatown restaurant, one of two appearances she made Thursday.

Kamala Harris campaigns in Nevada
Kamala Harris campaigns in Nevada

California Senator Kamala Harris meets with One APIA Nevada, a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies empowering Asian Pacific Islander Nevadans. (Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal)