UNLV students begin moving into on-campus dorms – Video
UNLV students begin moving into on-campus dorms – Video

Students begin moving into university-owned dorms at UNLV with staggered move-in dates and times this week due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Nevada listed in COVID-19 “red zone” – VIDEO
Nevada listed in COVID-19 “red zone” – VIDEO

Both Clark County and the state set records for reported COVID-19 cases in a 24-hour period on Thursday. Nevada listed as being in a coronavirus “red zone” in a document prepared for the White House coronavirus task force.

COVID-19 Predicted to Kill 200,000 in the US by October, Model Says
COVID-19 Predicted to Kill 200,000 in the US by October, Model Says

COVID-19 Predicted to Kill 200,000
in the US by October, Model Says.
The model comes from the Institute for
Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
at the University of Washington.
It was once used by the
White House to map out
the pandemic’s trajectory.
Just last week, the model predicted that
30,000 fewer people would die from the virus.
Its newest projections place the number of deaths
between 171,000 and 270,000 by October 1.
The IHME says that a reason for the increase is
the “relaxation” of social distancing guidelines
in individual states.
IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray
adds that underlying factors are increases
in contact rates and mobility.
Starting in the third week of August in our forecast at the national level, we see the daily death rate… going up again, after having been declining since mid-April at the national level, Dr. Christopher Murray, via press briefing.
That increase in daily deaths really starts to gather momentum from mid-September onwards, Dr. Christopher Murray, via press briefing.
Murray also explains that the
usage of face masks heavily
influences the model’s projections.
Cases are dropping in hard-hit states
such as New York and New Jersey.
They are rising in others, including
Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
A month ago, Arizona was reporting
around 400 new cases per day.
The state is now seeing
over 1,000 cases daily


COVID-19 Weekly discussion with Dr. Brian Labus, Epidemiologist with the UNLV School of Public Health and the governor’s medical advisory team, and RJ Health reporter Mary Hynes to answer viewer questions regarding COVID-19 in Nevada.
Topics this week:

New numbers show COVID19 disproportionately killing Black and Asian residents
New numbers show COVID19 disproportionately killing Black and Asian residents

New numbers by the Southern Nevada Health District show COVID-19 disproportionately killing Black and Asian Clark County residents compared to their White and Hispanic counterparts.RJ investigations reporter Michael Scott Davidson and Renee Summerour discuss why that is, other factors revealed in these numbers including gender and age.

Sahara Urgent Care tests for coronavirus – Video
Sahara Urgent Care tests for coronavirus – Video

Coronavirus testing occurs at Sahara Urgent care and the manager goes over who will be tested for the virus and how they will get their test kits. (Erik Verduzco/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

4 Brooklyn Nets Players Test Positive for COVID-19
4 Brooklyn Nets Players Test Positive for COVID-19

4 Brooklyn Nets Players
Test Positive for COVID-19.
That brings the total number of
known NBA players diagnosed
with the coronavirus up to seven.
The other confirmed positives in the league
are Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell of the
Utah Jazz and Christian Wood of the Detroit Pistons.
The Nets had not recently played against either of those teams, making it unclear if these new cases are linked through the NBA.
The Nets did not announce the names of the players
who tested positive, but did disclose that only one
of the players was exhibiting symptoms.
They also reassured fans that all players and
members of the Nets’ traveling team have been
required to self-isolate and monitor their health.
The health of our players and staff is of
the highest priority to the organization
and the team is doing everything within
its power to ensure that those affected
receive the best care possible, Brooklyn Nets,
via statement.
The Nets are currently working to notify anyone
who was recently in contact with the players
who tested positive, including recent opponents

Mandalay Bay is closed
Mandalay Bay is closed

Walk through of a closed Mandalay Bay. (K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Las Vegas workers line up at career center after layoffs
Las Vegas workers line up at career center after layoffs

Lines formed early Tuesday morning at the One Stop Career Center after school closures and layoffs in the Las Vegas tourism industry. (Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

US Begins First Human Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine
US Begins First Human Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine

US Begins First Human Trial
of Coronavirus Vaccine.
The first human trial to evaluate a
candidate vaccine against the new
coronavirus has begun in Seattle.
The vaccine, called mRNA-1273, was developed by US National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists and collaborators in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The NIH announced the trial will enroll
“45 healthy adult volunteers ages 18 to 55 years over approximately 6 weeks.”.
Pharmaceuticals and research labs around the world have raced to develop a treatment to the new coronavirus for which there is currently no vaccine available.
The development is a step in the right direction, though the vaccine must pass more trial phases to prove its effectiveness and safety.
It could be up to 18 months
before it becomes available to the public

Idris Elba Announces Coronavirus Diagnosis
Idris Elba Announces Coronavirus Diagnosis

Idris Elba Announces , Coronavirus Diagnosis.
Elba now joins Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
as prominent celebrities who have self-isolated
after testing positive for COVID-19

4 Coronavirus Myths Debunked
4 Coronavirus Myths Debunked

4 Coronavirus Myths , Debunked.
The World Health Organization has called the spread of coronavirus misinformation an “infodemic.”.
Myth 1: Coronavirus is manmade.
Just like SARS, the virus likely originated in bats and was transmitted to people. .
Myth 2: Home remedies can cure or prevent the virus.
Garlic, vitamin C and essential oils will
not prevent or cure the virus, as there
is currently no vaccine.
Myth 3: Black people
don’t get coronavirus.
Anyone can get coronavirus, and it is quickly spreading in Africa. .
Myth 4: Heat can kill the virus.
There is no evidence
that heat can kill the virus