Nevada tribal nations keep their people safe from coronavirus – Video
Nevada tribal nations keep their people safe from coronavirus – Video

Tribal members at Walker River Paiute Tribe’s Walker River Indian Reservation in Schurz and at Reno-Sparks Indian Colony’s Hungry Valley Reservation take care of their own in the age of coronavirus. (K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @KMCannonPhoto

Family welcomes baby during pandemic in Spain – Video
Family welcomes baby during pandemic in Spain – Video

Henderson native Air Force Maj. Chris Stein, stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Madrid, Spain, and his wife dealt with the coronavirus pandemic, diagnoses for COVID-19 and having an unexpected home birth for their third child. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Dana White on what could happen with the UFC if another coronavirus shutdown happens, Nunes’ possible retirement
Dana White on what could happen with the UFC if another coronavirus shutdown happens, Nunes’ possible retirement

UFC president Dana White says he’s preparing as though another shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic may occur soon. If that should occur, he says he hopes the Nevada Athletic Commission will see that the organization has proven that they can still put on safe events in the UFC Apex facility. (Heidi Fang/Las Vegas Review-Journal)