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LETTER: Joe Biden needs a refresher econ course

President Joe Biden says he will not impose higher taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. Does he not know the difference between a covert and an overt imposition?

LETTER: Free speech isn’t absolute

When it comes to free speech, the Supreme Court ruled many years ago that the right to free speech does not extend to shouting “fire” in a crowded theater when, in fact, there is no fire.

LETTER: Las Vegas parents need to demand a return to school

Parents of high school and middle school students need to rise up and demonstrate at both Clark County School District office buildings demanding that their students have in-person learning and be allowed to play sports.

LETTER: Teachers are “nonessential”?

While teachers are exposed to the same people every day, it is categorically false to imply this makes them less vulnerable to the virus.