Should babies wear face masks? – VIDEO
Should babies wear face masks? – VIDEO

The CDC now recommends wearing cloth masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But are they suitable for babies? According to the CDC, masks should not be used for children under age 2. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

2 new coronavirus deaths in Clark County as cases in Nevada hit 245 – VIDEO
2 new coronavirus deaths in Clark County as cases in Nevada hit 245 – VIDEO

Two more patients in Clark County with COVID-19 have died, bringing the total number of deaths in the state and in Nevada’s most populous county to four, the Southern Nevada Health District announced on Monday, March 23. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

4 coronavirus myths debunked – VIDEO
4 coronavirus myths debunked – VIDEO

The World Health Organization has called the spread of coronavirus misinformation an “infodemic.” (Las Vegas Review-Journal)