Hunter Renfrow Suffered Rib Injury In Loss To Jets – VIDEO
Hunter Renfrow Suffered Rib Injury In Loss To Jets – VIDEO

Raiders wide receiver Hunter Renfrow suffered an injury to his ribs in the teams loss to the Jets. Keelan Doss and Derek Carrier are among the options to replace Renfrow as the team prepares for the Kansas City Chiefs. (Le’Andre Fox/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Raiders Make Roster Moves in Preparation for Colts – VIDEO
Raiders Make Roster Moves in Preparation for Colts – VIDEO

After Sunday’s loss to the Vikings saw multiple Raiders go down with injuries, the team made multiple roster moves, including cutting week one starting wide receiver Ryan Grant, to prepare for a strong Colts team. (Le’Andre Fox/Las Vegas Review Journal)

Raiders Sign Linebacker Dakota Allen – VIDEO
Raiders Sign Linebacker Dakota Allen – VIDEO

With multiple injuries at the linebacker position, the Raiders signed Dakota Allen from the Rams practice squad (Le’Andre Fox/Las Vegas Review Journal)