Thanksgiving on the Campaign
Thanksgiving on the Campaign

For the hundreds of campaign workers currently making the pre-caucus push in Nevada, the holidays can be a trying time. There is a lot of work to be done. Some campaigns are in an intense growth period, while others are struggling to hang on.

But it is also a time in which relative strangers from different corners of the country — people who may have never met otherwise — turn a shared belief in a political candidate into personal bonds that often survive well past Election Day.

President Trump Pushes Bid for US-Led 2026 World Cup
President Trump Pushes Bid for US-Led 2026 World Cup

President Trump Pushes Bid for US-Led 2026 World Cup On Thursday, Trump threatened countries who were considering lobbying against the bid comprised of the U.S., Canada and Mexico. undefined Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto replied to Trump’s tweet shortly after. The FIFA Congress is set to vote on hosting rights on June 13. Currently, Morocco is the only country competing against North America. According to ESPN, competition to host the 2026 World Cup has increased due to President Trump’s travel ban against mostly Arab countries. Mexico previously hosted the World Cup in 1970 and 1986, while the U.S. hosted in 1994.