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LV City Council candidate Marlon talks about Badlands and rent control

It doesn’t makes sense for Las Vegas to spend millions in litigation fighting development at the Badlands golf course. One of the major root causes of homelessness is drug addiction. Las Vegas shouldn’t use rent control rein in prices. That’s all according to Las Vegas City Council Ward 1 candidate Dave Marlon.

Emotions or evidence? Thoughts on Ford, Kavanaugh

What do you do when two gripping personal narratives contradict each other? Your answer to that question will inform your thoughts on yesterday’s testimony by Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh.

Nevada immigration lawyer talks about family separation

Adults with children caught crossing the border illegally should be released into the country if they claim asylum. A physical barrier wouldn’t deter border crossings, and Republican efforts to outlaw family separation aren’t worth supporting. That’s according to Hardeep “Dee” Sull, a Nevada attorney, who’s part of Lawyer Moms of America.

Nevada’s marijuana-initiative money already goes to education

Fixing Nevada’s education system starts with educating yourself on how the system actually works. Consider all the times you’ve heard and read that money from the recreational marijuana initiative isn’t going to education, despite promises to voters.

Sisolak, Democrats attack group for helping pregnant women

Nevada’s Democratic Party doesn’t think a women’s right to choose should include picking where she gets medical treatment. Last week, Republican gubernatorial candidate and attorney general Adam Laxalt visited First Choice Pregnancy Services, a crisis pregnancy center.