Closing Out 2018 With The Golden Knights
Closing Out 2018 With The Golden Knights

With 2018 coming to a close, Golden Edge host Cassie Soto shares some of the highlights from the end of the Golden Knights inaugural season and the start of year two.

While there were many big sports stories in 2018, none might be as historic as what the Golden Knights were able to accomplish in their first year of competition. The team joined the 1967-68 St. Louis Blues as the only professional baseball, basketball, football or hockey team to make it to the championship round.

Although the Golden Knights fell short in their hunt to the hoisting the Stanley Cup, the team was able to unite the city of Las Vegas unlike anything ever before and for that, the community thanks them.

Vegas Golden Knights on their loss to the New York Islanders
Vegas Golden Knights on their loss to the New York Islanders

The players who spoke in the locker room following the Golden Knights loss to the Islanders agree that they have to take the positives away from their setback on the road and look to improve when they face the New York Rangers on Tuesday.

Gallant on the Golden Knights loss to the Islanders
Gallant on the Golden Knights loss to the Islanders

Following the Vegas Golden Knights road loss to the New York Islanders, head coach Gerard Gallant talks about the mistakes the team made and the injuries to their goalies.