Job creation surges in January, report says
Job creation surges in January, report says

U.S. businesses continued to hire at a healthy pace in January. Payroll processor ADP said Wednesday that companies added 234,000 jobs. Job gains at that pace are easily enough to drive down an already-low unemployment rate. Companies have been steadily adding jobs for the past eight years. On Friday, the government’s employment report for January will likely show a gain of 175,000 jobs.

Las Vegas mogul Steve Wynn resigns as RNC finance chairman
Las Vegas mogul Steve Wynn resigns as RNC finance chairman

Las Vegas mogul Steve Wynn has been accused of sexual misconduct by dozens of people, according to the Wall Street Journal. Wynn is accused of pressuring employees to perform sex acts, the report said. “The idea that I ever assaulted any woman is preposterous” Steve Wynn’s statement to the WSJ The newspaper reported “a decades-long pattern of sexual misconduct.” The report included details of a $7.5 million settlement paid to a manicurist who complained about Wynn’s behavior.

Las Vegas hotel maids to ask for panic buttons in guest rooms
Las Vegas hotel maids to ask for panic buttons in guest rooms

The Culinary union will ask Las Vegas casinos and hotels to supply guest room attendants with panic buttons amid national attention to the issue of workplace sexual harassment. The proposal is part of the union’s demands as it readies for talks for 50,000 of its 57,000 employees on a five-year contract with casinos next month, said Bethany Khan, a spokeswoman for Culinary Local 226. Panic buttons would allow guest room attendants to notify security if they are in an uncomfortable or threatening situation. The union will be renegotiating contracts with Caesars, MGM Resorts International and several downtown casinos starting in mid February.

Solar array to power Wynn’s Paradise Park in Las Vegas
Solar array to power Wynn’s Paradise Park in Las Vegas

Wynn Resorts Ltd.’s new Paradise Park will be powered entirely by renewable energy using a dedicated 160-acre solar array built 375 miles away near Fallon that is capable of producing up to 20 megawatts of electricity. According to Wynn officials, no other Las Vegas resort is powered by a larger percentage of green energy. The solar array is slated to go online within the next few months and will deliver enough renewable energy to power 5,056 homes and eliminate 33,734 metric tons of CO2 emissions from the environment annually.

Walmart Boosts Minimum Wage to $11, Gives Out Bonuses to Employees
Walmart Boosts Minimum Wage to $11, Gives Out Bonuses to Employees

Walmart Boosts Minimum Wage to $11,
Gives Out Bonuses to Employees Walmart gave credit to President Trump’s
tax cut for enabling the move. Doug McMillan, Walmart CEO Doug McMillan, Walmart CEO The big-box store chain hit the jackpot, with the corporate tax cut coming all the way down to 21 percent from 35 percent. Walmart will also pay a one-time cash bonus to eligible employees of as much as $1,000. Bonuses will be determined by the length of an employee’s tenure with the store. The wage increase will go into effect as soon as February and add about $300 million in costs to what Walmart was already planning for the upcoming fiscal year.

Tax plan means bonuses for some employees
Tax plan means bonuses for some employees

Over 100 companies giving ‘Trump Bonuses’ after the federal tax overhaul, according to the Washington Examiner South Point became the first Nevada gaming company to join that list Thursday The casino will dole out more than $1 million in bonuses for 2017 to its employees, doubling the amount of bonuses for 2016 In a letter to employees Dec. 21, chairman and CEO of WynnResorts Ltd. Steve Wynn praised the tax cuts, but did not promise any bonuses or raises at the time.

The newcomers
The newcomers

The demographics of Southern Nevada are growing increasingly young, diverse and wealthy. “The diversification of the types of companies in Las Vegas has created a larger workforce pool,” said Jason Bruckman, vice president of workforce recruitment in Las Vegas for national staffing company Eastridge Workforce Solutions. “I’ve seen the demographic trend skew to a younger workforce.” The transplants making Las Vegas their home today are also younger and bringing in higher median household incomes. “Two early causes for the higher wage appear to be higher wages in the geographies of origin and the fact that we are attracting a workers to fill higher wage positions,” Aguero said.