The Right Take: Trump offered amnesty for 1.8 million
The Right Take: Trump offered amnesty for 1.8 million

For years, Democrats have sought permanent protections for illegal aliens who came to the United States as children. Trump’s plan offers that and not just for the 690,000 who signed up
for DACA. He’s offering legal status and a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal
immigrations who came to the U.S. as children.

The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA
The Right Take: Time For Republicans To Play Hardball On DACA

In the Art of the Deal, Donald Trump writes, “Leverage: don’t make deals without it.”
Republicans have plenty of leverage in the stalled negotiations over passing a new version of the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It’s time for them to quit negotiating with Democrats
and use it.

Title: The Right Take: Tax Increases
Title: The Right Take: Tax Increases

Clark County residents have endured over a dozen tax increases, including increases in the sales tax, property tax, car tab tax and gas tax. There was also the creation of a new gross receipts tax called the commerce tax. That’s on top of dozens of fee increases based by Carson City.