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Bill Dentzer

Former Government and Poiltics Reporter
The Latest
Juveniles to face charges for damaging Nevada war memorial

The Carson City District Attorney will seek charges against the juveniles whose bike- and scooter-riding exploits two weeks ago damaged the state’s brand-new memorial to fallen war veterans on the state Capitol grounds.

Taking a closer look at Nevada’s election turnout

Last week’s elections in Nevada were not the best turnout for a midterm year. In fact, in spite an early surge in early voting and three-hour waits to vote in parts of the state on election night, turnout was pretty average.

Nevada legislative caucuses choose leadership

Leadership in the Nevada state Senate is changing hands following Tuesday’s elections, which saw the body’s top Democrat win the race for state attorney general and its Republican leader falter in his bid for lieutenant governor.

Horsford beats Hardy in rematch for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District

In its six-year life, Nevada’s 4th Congressional District seat has flipped three times, Democrat to Republican to Democrat. Two of its former occupants vied to reclaim it this year, with Democrat Steven Horsford defeating Republican Cresent Hardy in a rematch of their 2014 race.

Dems lead in Nevada lieutenant governor, other races

Democrats were leading Republicans in four down-ballot statewide Nevada elections Tuesday in early returns, with Democrat Kate Marshall leading Republican Michael Roberson in the lieutenant governor’s race by nine percentage points.