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Hansen seeks to limit BLM, Forest Service police powers

Spurred in part by the BLM’s April roundup of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle that brought an armed confrontation between federal agents and Bundy supporters, Assemblyman Ira Hansen is pushing for a bill in the 2015 legislative session that would prohibit BLM and Forest Service law officers from enforcing state laws.

Nevada rancher Bundy waits as FBI probes

Life on the ranch six miles downstream of this Virgin River hamlet has been peaceful in the six months since hundreds of gun-toting militia members from across the nation rallied in support of defiant rancher Cliven Bundy, but FBI investigators could change things a bit.

BLM plan would tag more of Southern Nevada for protection

The Bureau of Land Management is recommending almost 280,000 acres in Southern Nevada for special protection as part of a sweeping plan update that would also open more land for solar energy projects and other development.

Nevada joins the big red wave

In a stunning election, Nevada Republicans swept top state offices Tuesday and ousted U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., as they took control of the state Senate and the Assembly in a low-turnout election marked by greater GOP enthusiasm and Democratic disaffection.