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Guardsman in Colorado has 1st reported US case of virus variant

The variant is probably still rare in the U.S., but the lack of travel history in the first case means it is spreading, perhaps seeded by visitors from Britain.

House votes for $2K COVID relief checks

The House voted Monday to increase COVID-19 relief checks to $2,000, meeting President Donald Trump’s demand for bigger payments.

Canada sees first cases of new coronavirus variant

Officials in Canada’s most populous province have confirmed the first two known Canadian cases of of a more contagious variant of COVID-19 that was first identified in the United Kingdom.

Biden addresses COVID bill, holiday precautions

President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday expressed empathy with struggling families and applauded Congress for a passing the coronavirus relief as the nation deals with a COVID-19 surge that’s casting a shadow over the Christmas holiday.

California’s hospitals overwhelmed, may ration care amid pandemic

California hospitals are battling to find beds to house patients amid fears that the exploding coronavirus infection rate will exhaust resources and health care workers.

Second COVID-19 vaccine approved by US as deaths grow

The U.S. added a second COVID-19 vaccine to its arsenal Friday, boosting efforts to beat back an outbreak so dire that the nation is regularly recording more than 3,000 deaths a day.

COVID-19 vaccine shipments begin in historic US effort

Shipments of the Pfizer vaccine will set in motion the biggest vaccination effort in American history at a critical juncture of the pandemic that has killed 1.6 million worldwide.

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for widespread use endorsed by US panel

A U.S. government advisory panel endorsed widespread use of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine Thursday, putting the country just one step away from launching an epic vaccination campaign against the outbreak that has killed close to 300,000 Americans.

UK studying if allergic reactions linked to Pfizer vaccine

British regulators warned Wednesday that people who have a history of serious allergic reactions shouldn’t receive the new Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as they investigate two adverse reactions that occurred on the first day of the country’s mass vaccination program.