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Nevadans take swings at Yucca funding, come up empty

Nevada U.S. Reps. Joe Heck and Dina Titus took slightly different approaches Thursday, but both bids to remove or divert $150 million in Yucca Mountain funds from a 2016 Department of Energy spending bill were killed by voice vote in the House.

GOP proposes more money to revive frozen Yucca Mountain Project

With Republicans now in charge on both sides of Capitol Hill, lawmakers who want a new life for the Yucca Mountain project launched their latest bid on Wednesday to fund the Nevada nuclear waste site.

YUCCA MOUNTAIN: Safeguards and benefits are ripe for consideration

On March 29, the Review-Journal published an editorial on Yucca Mountain under the headline: “Washington, make an offer on Yucca Mountain.” The editorial deserves thoughtful consideration.

YUCCA MOUNTAIN: Unsafe site won’t ever be safe for nuclear waste

Nevada Rep. Cresent Hardy, who joined a pro-Yucca Mountain congressional site visit this past week, recently asked the question, “Is there a scenario in which Nevadans would actually welcome nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain?” (“Time for Nevada to talk Yucca Mountain,” March 22 Review-Journal).

Finishing Yucca … because it’s paid for?

If you had a half-gallon of expired milk in your refrigerator, would you drink it simply because you didn’t want the money you spent to go to waste?

6 congressmen go underground, tour Yucca Mountain

The whir of ventilation fans and glow of lights inside the south entrance of the tunnel that loops through Yucca Mountain signaled new life for the shuttered nuclear waste study site for a few hours Thursday while six congressmen toured it.