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Democrats sue over primary election rules

The Nevada Democratic Party filed a lawsuit Thursday claiming the parameters for the state’s June 9 all-mail primary election violate Nevadans’ voting rights.

In endorsement, Obama says Biden has ‘qualities we need’

Former President Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday, giving the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee a boost from the party’s biggest fundraiser and one of its most popular figures.

Bernie Sanders endorses Joe Biden

Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden’s presidential campaign on Monday, encouraging his progressive supporters to rally behind the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Sanders drops out of Democratic race for president

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who saw his once strong lead in the Democratic primary evaporate, ended his presidential bid on Wednesday.

Democrats delay national convention until August

Prospective nominee Joe Biden said he didn’t think it would be possible to hold a normal convention in mid-July because of the coronavirus pandemic.