CrossFit Apollo reopens after COVID-19 shutdown – Video
CrossFit Apollo reopens after COVID-19 shutdown – Video

CrossFit Apollo gym co-owner and a member talk about their first day back, Friday, May 29, 2020, after gyms and fitness centers were closed during the coronavirus shutdown. (Glenn Puit and Erik Verduzco/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Greg Zanis, the cross maker, has died – VIDEO
Greg Zanis, the cross maker, has died – VIDEO

Greg Zanis was the Illinois carpenter who built and erected the 58 simple white crosses in the shadow of the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign that turned into a focal point for a city’s grief after the Route 91 Harvest festival shooting in 2017. He died on Monday, May 4, 2020. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Henderson winery reacts to Sisolak’s economic plan – VIDEO
Henderson winery reacts to Sisolak’s economic plan – VIDEO

Governor Sisolak’s reopening plan is easier said than done for the only winery in Clark County. Grape Expectations is trying to figure out how to open up shop when they are three businesses in one. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)