Vigil held in downtown Las Vegas – VIDEO
Vigil held in downtown Las Vegas – VIDEO

The Forced Trajectory Project conducted a vigil downtown on Saturday evening to honor those lost to police violence. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Black Lives Matter, anti-racism rally held in Las Vegas – Video
Black Lives Matter, anti-racism rally held in Las Vegas – Video

More than 1,000 people protested peacefully in Kianga Isoke Palacio Park near Doolittle Community Center in the Historic Westside neighborhood of Las Vegas on Friday night, June 5. It was a Black Lives Matter rally and candlelight vigil for George Floyd and other black Americans who have died in confrontations with police. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Rebel store looted
Rebel store looted

The manager of a Rebel gas station talks about looting at the Tropicana and Koval store over the weekend. (Glenn Puit/Las Vegas Review-Journal)