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Outdoor pizza ovens make good pie

Lelia and Frank Friedlander host company and family gatherings at their home, and the big attraction often is the blazing 800-degree outdoor oven.

Hiking among Mount Charleston’s bristlecone pines — PHOTOS

Great Basin bristlecone pines are gnarly, twisted tales of survival and inspiration. Lucky for local desert dwellers, hiking paths wind past these ancient, animated trees high above the valley floor.

Over-the-counter hearing aids expected this fall in US

Millions of Americans will be able to buy hearing aids without a prescription later this fall, under a long-awaited rule finalized Tuesday.

Bay laurel trees struggle with hot temperatures

Q: Our sweet bay laurel trees face east and are watered by a drip irrigation system on a separate line for trees only. Obviously, these trees are not doing well. They were originally 24-inch boxed trees planted in 2013. Our HOA contends they are close to the end of their lives, and they will be removed. Any ideas?

Several possible reasons recirculating pump not working

There are several possible reasons for not getting hot water after a new water heater installation. Recirculating pumps need electricity to run, and so it may be as easy as plugging the unit back in or testing the outlet for power.

COVID-19 reinfections on the rise in Nevada

If you’ve gotten COVID-19 twice, you’re in good — and growing — company. And if you think vaccination necessarily prevents reinfection, think again.