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Is Black Friday shopping really worth it? Follow these tips and it will be

If you woke up asking yourself, “Should I shop on Black Friday?” you should know that according to Finder’s Black Friday Statistics 2022, 41% of Americans say that while Black Friday offers good deals, it’s not always worth the hassle.

So you’ve won a jackpot — now what?

The symbols line up, or the clinching card is flipped over. Bells go off. Lights flash. There’s a scream, and then you realize it’s you that is screaming.

How Joe Biden is impacting Social Security

President Joe Biden inherited an underfunded, overextended Social Security program that was already crowded with aging baby boomers as dwindling funds dried up before the pandemic stressed the system even further.

Jaw-dropping stats about state of retirement in America

Of the 47.8 million Americans ages 65 and older, the average income is only $38,515, according to the U.S. Census, and their average net worth is $170,516.