Trump dropped from Terry Fator’s show on Las Vegas Strip – VIDEO
Trump dropped from Terry Fator’s show on Las Vegas Strip – VIDEO

Fator has edited out one prominent figure: President Donald Trump, a focal point of Fator’s regular stage show and also Christmas show over the past 3½ years. The Trump puppet, with his pop-up hairpiece, has been sidelined from both shows until further notice. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Thanksgiving on the Campaign
Thanksgiving on the Campaign

For the hundreds of campaign workers currently making the pre-caucus push in Nevada, the holidays can be a trying time. There is a lot of work to be done. Some campaigns are in an intense growth period, while others are struggling to hang on.

But it is also a time in which relative strangers from different corners of the country — people who may have never met otherwise — turn a shared belief in a political candidate into personal bonds that often survive well past Election Day.

Tom Steyer on Trump Impeachment and Climate Change – Video
Tom Steyer on Trump Impeachment and Climate Change – Video

Tom Steyer talks about how climate change is his number one priority if elected president, how the current way the government is run is broken and how he was the first candidate on stage to suggest impeached President Donald Trump.

The Middle: Nonpartisan voters and the 2020 election
The Middle: Nonpartisan voters and the 2020 election

How will the growing segment of nonpartisan or independent voters — those who have not registered with either political party, or who have left partisan politics behind — vote in 2020?

Media’s Double Standard On Incitement And Trump – Video
Media’s Double Standard On Incitement And Trump – Video

Over the weekend, an Elizabeth Warren-supporting socialist who opposed gun violence used a
rifle to commit a mass murder in Dayton, Ohio. The media has downplayed that aspect of the

Protesters disrupt Trump’s speech
Protesters disrupt Trump’s speech

Just as President Donald Trump started to make his opening remarks during his appearance at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s National Leadership Meeting, protesters disrupted his speech. (Heidi Fang/Las Vegas Review-Journal)