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EDITORIAL: 4 good ideas from Rubio’s campaign — and 2 that need work

Sen. Marco Rubio met with the Review-Journal’s editorial board Friday to discuss his vision for the country. To help Nevada voters decide whether they might support his candidacy, we’ve chosen to highlight four of Sen. Rubio’s positions we support and two positions we don’t support.

EDITORIAL: Speaking of nuclear …

Nevada has blocked the opening of a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. But Nevada might be powerless to stop the U.S. Department of Energy’s announced plan to ship more than 400 containers of nuclear-power fuel waste from Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory to the Nevada National Security Site.

Nuclear waste politics

It’s impossible to have a rational conversation about nuclear waste in Nevada. In fact, it’s impossible to have any kind of conversation about nuclear waste in Nevada.

Nuclear waste: Court wants new look at on-site storage

In another sign that the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump may breathe again, a federal appeals court late last week threw out a rule that allows nuclear power plants to store radioactive waste at reactor sites for up to 60 years after the plants shut down.