Protest at Spring Valley High School to support teachers – VIDEO
Protest at Spring Valley High School to support teachers – VIDEO

Teachers, students, parents and administrators at Spring Valley High School staged a protest on Monday, Aug. 26, in support of Clark County School District educators who are threatening to strike over more pay under a new contact. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @bizutesfaye

Clark County Teachers Union Plans To Announce Strike – Video
Clark County Teachers Union Plans To Announce Strike – Video

The Clark County Teacher’s Union plans on announcing a strike if its demands are not met in contract talks with the Clark County School District. The Clark County Education Association, which has threatened to strike for months, has given the district until Thursday to propose an acceptable contract for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years.

Parents of autistic student battle Clark County School District
Parents of autistic student battle Clark County School District

Joshua and Britten Wahrer, parents of a special education student, are battling the Clark County School District for the right to equip their son with a monitoring device. (Amelia Pak-Harvey/Las Vegas Review-Journal)