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John Katsilometes’ column runs daily on Page 3A. Email jkatsilometes@reviewjournal.com. Follow him at @johnnykats on Twitter and @JohnnyKats1 on Instagram. Listen to the latest episodes of his PodKats! podcast here.

Strip hit ‘Absinthe’ takes the tent to Los Angeles

“Absinthe” is going Hollywood. Well, in a manner of speaking. A second version of the hit show at Caesars Palace is opening on March 22 at L.A. Live Event Deck, the show’s production company Speigelworld announced Wednesday morning.

MGM Resorts: No return of Rock in Rio to the Strip

Rock in Rio was presented imiginatively and the acts were among the biggest and best in the business. But the festival lost millions, and MGM Resorts officials are not expecting a return.

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