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Entertainment Columns

Readers spot English muffins

John Bergler is looking for not just any English muffin, but specifically for Bays English muffins. Luckily for him, his fellow readers say they’re not among those longed-for items that can’t be found in town.

Readers dish on hash browns

Two weeks ago we had reader suggestions for good breakfast spots for Brad Dunaway; today more weigh in with the shredded-potato hash browns Dunaway is seeking.

Harvest Midwest flavors

The tastes of home hold a lot of allure for most of us, and that’s apparently the case for Candace Geronilla, who’s looking for two Midwestern favorites: breaded pork tenderloin and loose-meat “Maid-Rite”-style sandwiches. And once again, readers come to the rescue.

Great breakfasts abound

Brad Dunaway is looking for places that serve breakfast with “good eggs … good orange juice and coffee” (and good hash browns, but more on that below), and it seems readers are eager to nominate their favorites.

Readers seek variety of products

The cooler weather we’ve been experiencing lately seems to bring out the cooks among us, so let’s see if we can find some of the items sought by Taste of the Town readers:

Hot dog! Readers find buns

The good news: We may have solved the mystery of the whereabouts of hot dog buns like Woolworth’s used to serve, which are being sought by Sandra Ashenmil. Mike O’Brien noted that they were the New England-style split-top buns so many readers are searching for, “grilled on both sides and then the hot dog was served in it.”

Readers spill the beans

No barbecue is complete without baked beans, and with our nearly year-round barbecue season in the valley, it’s fortunate there’s a ready source of Heinz Vegetarian Baked Beans for Sandra Gersh.

Belly clam search a success

I finally have good news for all of the readers out there — and believe me, there are lots of you — who are looking for whole-belly clams.

Plenty of resources for frozen quail in valley

Some might quail at the idea of eating quail (sorry!) but it’s a delectable little bird, and one that reader Bob Matzke is trying to find, either fresh or frozen.

Readers have scoop on apple pie

The Olympics have many of us feeling pretty patriotic these days, so it’s only appropriate that we offer reader suggestions for David Simms, who’s looking for apple pie — specifically, apple pie “that you don’t need a hammer and chisel to cut through.”

Great Buns back to fill void

Here’s some good news for Ruth Steffen, other readers looking for fresh-baked hamburger and hot-dog buns and anyone looking for fresh baked goods on the east side of the valley: John Bisci Sr. e-mailed that Great Buns Bakery, which burned a few years ago, has reopened at 3270 E. Tropicana Ave.

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