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Entertainment Columns

Puppet drama ‘Anomalisa’ surprisingly human

It’s a moving, troubling look at one man’s existential crisis, the powerful grip of loneliness and the mundanity and despair of everyday life. But “Anomalisa” probably will be remembered, at least by the few of you who’ll see it, for one thing: puppet sex.

Miscalculations, tonal unevenness make ‘Muppets Most Wanted’ a dud

Apparently, every ounce of innocent, sweet-natured joy that made 2011’s “The Muppets” such a whimsical burst of nostalgia can be traced back to one person. Surprisingly, it’s the guy who showed the world his dangly bits in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall.”

The Butler needs some polish

The story of Cecil Gaines, a White House butler spanning seven administrations, is ever-so-loosely based on the life of the late Eugene Allen. But the result is too reverent to feel like fiction, too improbable to feel like the truth.