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If you have an opinion on Congress (and most people do) you can have your voice heard at www.vote
tocracy.com. The site features bills, explains what they are, shows how Congress votes and allows users to say how they'd vote on the bill. Then, the people's voice and Congress' decision is compared.

Part of the right of being a parent is saying those pearls of wisdom that leave offspring scratching their heads. For some of the best jewels out there, visit crazythingsparentssay.com.

How smart are fans of various celebrities? Using a system to determine "stupid indicators," www.tomscott.com/stupidfight takes two celebrity Twitter accounts, studies the followers and shows who has the stupidest fans out there.

Do you have an interesting Web site you'd like to share with other readers? Send it to Melissa Sullivan at msullivan@review journal.com.

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