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Spielberg rediscovers his boy-genius mojo with ‘Ready Player One’

If a mosquito bit Steven Spielberg around the time he was making “Jurassic Park,” then became trapped in amber until some nut with more money than forethought extracted the DNA from it and cloned an early ’90s version of Spielberg, well, that’s the guy I could see directing “Ready Player One.”

‘Game Night’ is a good horrible comedy — or an awful great one

You know that comedy technique where writers and directors take a joke that’s sort of funny, let it linger until it becomes just mildly amusing, step back while it festers so that it becomes painfully awkward and loses every bit of its appeal before they stretch it so far that it ends up being hilarious?

A look back at the history of black superheroes in movies

If you’re having trouble relating to the jubilation surrounding this weekend’s release of “Black Panther” — the first major comic book movie starring a predominantly black cast — imagine for a moment that we weren’t living in an era in which every couple of months produced a superhero blockbuster starring a white guy named Chris.