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Former 007 Brosnan misfires in return to spy genre

There’s not much in “The November Man” that you haven’t seen before, usually done better somewhere else. Compared to the franchises it seems to be striving for, as Bond it’s bland, and as Bourne it’s a bore.

‘The Giver’ covers familiar territory

“The Giver” takes place in a world without memories. If only audiences could enter that realm for 97 minutes so that the movie wouldn’t feel so very familiar in the wake of other young adult adaptations ranging from “The Hunger Games” and “Divergent” to “Ender’s Game” and next month’s “The Maze Runner.”

Special effects only thing going for ‘Into the Storm’

You buy a ticket for a movie like “Into the Storm” — aka, “Twister 2: Let’s Twist Again, Like We Did in the Summer of ’96” — for the tornadoes. And they, at least, do not disappoint.

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ takes huge risks, is justifiably rewarded

The trailer for “Guardians of the Galaxy” debuted in February, and its peculiar tone, coupled with its liberal use of Blue Swede’s “Hooked on a Feeling,” made it the one summer blockbuster I was verifiably tingly to see.

‘Lucy,’ never uses full capacity of gray matter

An ordinary young woman is given extraordinary powers when she ingests too much of a designer drug. It sounds like something Stan Lee and John Belushi might have concocted. Unfortunately, the reality is twice as nutty and roughly half as entertaining.

Effects, plot just two reasons to see this year’s best sequel

Oh, sure, they’re adorable when they’re little, wearing tiny outfits, learning sign language and scampering about the house like itty-bitty Parkour experts. Then, the next thing you know, they’re all grown up and taking the world by storm in “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.”

‘Obvious Child’ bravely takes on abortion, focuses on passion and pathos

You’re reading this because Paramount wouldn’t show me “Transformers: Age of Extinction.” That’s not necessarily a bad thing, considering there’s virtually no way Michael Bay’s latest toy catalog could be as distinctive or surprising as the indie comedy, “Obvious Child.”

Opening Friday: Autobots, abortion and EDC

Here’s a look at this week’s new movies: “The German Doctor,” “Obvious Child,” “Transformers: Age of Extinction” and “Under the Electric Sky.”

‘Jersey Boys’ fails to deliver excitement of stage version

In “Think Like a Man Too,” Friday’s other big release, one of the characters suggests that, instead of a wild bachelor party, everyone should make better use of the Strip and just go see “Jersey Boys.” Smart man.

Will ‘Jersey Boys’ film bolster stage show?

It’s not so easy to get a movie and a Broadway show here at the same time. The film version of “Jersey Boys” arrives Friday, bringing the rare chance for a fanatic to see both the movie and the stage musical in the same day.

Bishop Gorman grad steals ‘22 Jump Street’

“22 Jump Street” is a bit of a mixed bag, but some of the movie’s biggest laughs come from Jillian Bell, who’s a breath of hilariously hostile air as she riffs, improv-style, about old Jonah Hill’s undercover cop looks.

Buddy-action enough for ‘22 Jump Street,’ but some gags fall flat

“22 Jump Street” doesn’t exactly break the fourth wall. It runs headfirst into the fourth wall, falls down, sees those little cartoon birds circle its head. And the plot isn’t just thin, it’s borderline anorexic.