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Focus on functionality when redesigning closet

Dear Gail: I’m looking to redo my master closet as it’s still just the plain two-tier builder hanging racks. I haven’t decided between hiring a closet designer or doing it myself. There are so many options and products on the market now, I was just wondering if you have a few things I should consider either way. — Maya

Dear Maya: There are a lot of things to consider when redesigning your closet, with so many options now available to us. A good place to start — even before looking at what’s out there — is to look at what’s in your closet.

First, take inventory of what you have. Start with your clothes. Take the time to measure the lengths of the different items in your wardrobe as everyone is very personal in their style.

This will ensure you have the proper room. Maybe you have a lot of long dresses and need more long hanging space. I have very few so only need a very small space.

This is also a good time to do some clearing of things you no longer wear. With an organized closet, you should be able to double and even triple your space.

Now count your footwear. How many shoes, sandals, slippers, flip-flops and boots do you have? You want to make sure you have a separate place for them, or they will end up being the typical shoe pile on the floor.

Shoe cubbies are great, but you might not have enough room if you have a lot of shoes. Here’s what I did. For the shoes I wear daily, I purchased a clear hanging shoe organizer. It holds 20 pairs of shoes and only takes up 6 inches.

For the ones I rarely wear, I bought inexpensive boxes and put a picture of the shoe on the outside of the box. It’s easier for me to see than using just clear boxes. But any box you use should be clear or tagged with what’s inside. Making things visible is easier to locate.

What type of accessories do you have? I have a girlfriend who is addicted to hats. I love scarves. All of the closet companies have great accessories components, and if you’re going to do it, I suggest doing it right. No matter the closet accessories you choose, giving everything a home of its own is the key to optimal closet organization, leaving it the clutter-free space it was made to be.

Are there items that could really have a better home somewhere else — gift bags, wrapping paper, holiday decorations, office supplies or paper goods?

Next, consider how you want to organize your clothes. Some people like to separate by use: work, home, fancy and casual. I like mine grouped by type: jackets, shorts, pants, skirts, dresses, sleeveless, short and long sleeve.

Then within the groups, I put them by color. No more endless searching in the morning.

Do you prefer to see what you have or rather items be tucked away in drawers? Personally for me, if it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind. I even have most of my jewelry on wall organizers. It’s amazing how quickly I forget what else I have.

Now, what about those things you wish you could have in your closet? Maybe a safe for your valuables. A full-length mirror. A fold-down ironing board. Or if you have enough room, a place to sit to put your shoes on.

With your inventory taken, things cleared out, organization preferences and a wish list, it will allow you to design your closet to meet your needs and wants, and be less overwhelmed with all the options available.

One last thing to think about is hangers. They are something very simple, but forgotten, and they will make a difference in the space you’ll have. It’s best if you can use the same for all as it will keep your clothes hanging at the same level keeping everything in sight.

If buying all new, consider the slim-sized hangers as they will allow for maximum use of your space. On average you want to figure 1¼ inches to 2½ inches wide for shirts and suits. Give yourself some extra room so that you don’t have your clothes packed in as you need clearance space for taking the hangers in and out, which will help keep them nicer and wrinkle free.

If you don’t want to buy all new, I used this method in mine. First, I got rid of all the wire hangers, then looked at how many different hangers I had and in what colors. I had enough white for all my black, clear for all my colored tops and purple for my dresses. I donated the rest, and one at a time I switched the hangers.

It was well worth the time in making it visually clean and organized. Also a little tip: Hang empty hangers in one area so you’re not searching for them on wash day.

Just as in all design, if you put functionality first in your closet design process, you will create a closet of your dreams that is both organized and beautiful.

Gail Mayhugh, owner of GMJ Interiors, is a professional interior designer and author of a book on the subject. Questions may be sent by email to GMJinteriors@gmail.com. Or, mail to 7380 S. Eastern Ave., No. 124-272, Las Vegas, NV 89123. Her web address is www.GMJinteriors.com.

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