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Home and Garden

What’s the big deal about the C-word?

When it comes to green living, it is hard to escape discussing carbon — carbon dioxide, carbon sequestration, carbon footprint, carbon offsets and the list goes on. Carbon is an illusive, often misunderstood element. Without it, there is no life, however, with too much in our atmosphere we are pushing toward disastrous, unmanageable consequences.

Cut the Clutter

Several weeks ago, you-know-who was making a list and checking it twice. Now it’s your turn to make a list — only this one is about organizing a cluttered closet, kitchen, office or any other room that needs attention, and that probably means all of them.

Change It Up

The summer heat means one thing to Teresa Scoline.

Be armed, not alarmed: Installing security system has many benefits

Installing a home security system offers many advantages. First and foremost, it provides an extra level of safety to you and your family. A home security system also provides peace of mind knowing that your home is protected whether you’re there or not.

Good lighting can enhance interior design

“There are two kinds of light — the glow that illumines, and the glare that obscures.” — James Thurber (1894-1961), American humorist, illustrator

Hop to it: Plant what you need to brew beer

You don’t need a garden to succeed as a home-brewer, but growing your own ingredients is a flavorful step up.

Laying ceramic tile time-consuming, but not overwhelming

Q: I want to replace my bedroom carpet with ceramic tile, but when I pulled up a corner of the carpet, I discovered that the floor is concrete. Is this job difficult, and how much will it cost?

Versatile drop-leaf tables weathers the times

No matter how large a house is, there always seems to be a need for more space. During the 19th century, especially in the South, homes often had long, wide front halls that went from the front door to the back door. That allowed the air to circulate and helped cool the house.

Great light fixtures shine in your décor

I’ve learned through the years that the right lighting in the right spots transforms a room. So when it came time to select the fixtures for our lake home redo, I followed these three tips to ensure the lighting was a bright spot in my decor:

Balance will help you find beauty in subtlety

Paint your walls a bold color and friends will likely praise your creativity. Invest in a standout piece of furniture or striking work of art and your decorating is bound to earn compliments. But creating a noteworthy room with subtle, understated elegance is a bit more complicated.

Summer rains, humidity exacerbate plant diseases

There has been a major shift in the potential health of garden and landscape plants during the past two weeks. Yes, it has been hot but most plants can handle that kind of heat. This shift is less obvious.

Damage to covered oleanders may be minimal

Reports from the weather station at the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension orchard in North Las Vegas put the low temperatures Dec. 6 and 10 at 20 F with daytime highs around the same as the inside of a refrigerator. I am sure this caused some damage to plants. I posted the weather report on my blog for those interested.

Mirrors should be hung to reflect nice view

Dear Gail: I love mirrors and have recently purchased a couple of new ones. I’d love some ideas on different ways to use them. — Gina A.

Light bulb market heats up

The government mandated phase-out of traditional incandescent light bulbs began in 2012. That year, the old 100-watt incandescent bulb got the boot, and in 2013, the 75-watt bulb was nixed. 2014 will see the slow end to 40- and 60-watt traditional incandescent bulbs.

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