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Home and Garden

Replace self-closing hinges if door doesn’t close

Q: The heavy door that leads from my house into the garage doesn’t close by itself anymore. What’s wrong with it? A: You have a hinge problem on your fire door, which is required to have a self-closing mechanism.

Interest in antique horn furniture arises anew

Furniture made from recycled workbenches and school lockers, or huge metal parts from factory machines is not a new idea. Our ancestors recycled clothing into quilts, tin advertising signs into patches for leaky roofs and cattle horns into Victorian chairs.

Healthy landscape starts with simple soil test

Two factors are responsible for a healthy landscape. First, put the right plant in the right place. Second, make sure your soil is healthy by providing the conditions and nutrients your plants and lawn need to thrive.

Ash trees do not fare well in desert Southwest

Q: I have two 20-year-old ash trees that appear to be dying. I have attached pictures. The smaller tree is a Modesto ash and it started losing limbs about a year ago. The bark is now separating and it looks like an old stump with a few sprouts. The other is a Rayburn ash. Its limbs started dying this summer, but the limb deaths are accelerating.

Give ’em something to tick-tock about

Clocks are not top of mind for most of us. It’s only at this time of year when we might turn our clocks back, and then again in the spring when we go forward, that we give them any thought. As an accessory and workhorse in our lives, poor clocks are not given their fair share of attention.

Cut back flowers to keep garlic chives in check

Is it a weed or a garden plant? Garlic chives are among those plants — paulownia tree, Jerusalem artichoke, mint and anise hyssop are others — that can parade under either guise.

Spring into gardening

Is this a normal spring for Clark County? Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that blossoms started appearing on any number of different trees when those blossoms weren’t expected until mid-March? What’s going on? Isn’t it too early for all these trees to be in blossom and for all this pollen to be driving us crazy?

Student’s letter wins new furnishings for teachers lounge

On March 5, the teachers lounge at Miller Middle School was transformed into a much more comfortable environment, thanks to Walker Furniture’s 14th annual Valentine Teacher Appreciation Day program.

Local events

March 13

High pot shelf creates decorating opportunity

Dear Gail: Our home has great vaulted ceilings, but with them we also have a very high pot shelf ledge about 10 feet up in our living room. It is 8 feet high and 11 feet long with a 16 inch deep ledge. We are stumped on what to place up there. Can you help? — Jordon

Rain gutter will reposition waterfall

Q: Every time it rains, I see a beautiful cascading waterfall. Unfortunately, the waterfall is right above my front door. Help me keep the rain off my head and explain how to install rain gutters.

Look for insects feeding on spring growth

This time of year is a busy time for home horticulturists. Now that we have finished fertilizing landscape and fruit trees and increased irrigations as temperatures warm, we turn to pest problems.

Small, unknown companies made cameo glass

Cameo glass is popular with collectors. Galle, Thomas Webb, Mt. Washington and Daum are well-known, but some smaller companies that worked at the same time are almost unknown. Burgun, Schverer & Cie (son) was founded in 1711 in Meisenthal, France. The company always made top-quality glass and survived by changing methods and designs to attract new customers. It made blown glass, watch glass, eyeglass lenses and tableware.

Valentine cards date back to late 1700s

The history of valentines can be traced back to St. Valentine, who died a martyr. A feast was named for him by the Catholic Church in the year 496. Other historical or legendary sources to the holiday mention two other men named Valentine, a suggestion that the holiday descended from a Roman fertility fest, and references to the Duke of Orleans’ letter in the 15th century that is considered the first valentine.

Large walls don’t need to be covered by big pieces of art

Dear Gail: We just moved into a larger home and have a lot more wall space than our last home. We thought we had enough artwork to fill the walls but we don’t. We’re not looking to invest in large pieces of artwork but want to finish decorating. What suggestions can you give us to fill our blank walls? — Rob &Karen.

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