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Holly Daze event gives mental health tips for traversing holiday season

The holidays are supposed to be filled with good cheer, but for some it can be tough to smile. On Nov. 20, the Southwest Medical Associates Lifestyle Center-West hosted a Holly Daze open house to discuss combating seasonal affective disorder, or what some refer to as a depressive state known as “the holiday blues.”

Lake Mead awash in summer activities

From hiking to cruises, View Neighborhood Newspapers explores activities available at nearby Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

Early warning signs of stroke are not to be taken lightly

May was Stroke Awareness Month, but a stroke can strike at any time. According to the American Stroke Association, someone in the U.S. has a stroke roughly every 40 seconds, and about every four minutes, someone dies from a stroke.

Tennis foundation helps net scholarships for valley students

The Marty Hennessy Junior Tennis Foundation offers local kids an opportunity to learn the game of tennis. In return, they have to become upstanding young people. Members are expected to volunteer with the foundation, perform community service, be stellar students and act as mentors for younger kids.

Fruit tree selection based on chill hours

Question: I am in the process of ordering a couple of fruit trees online. What are the chill hours for Sun City Anthem in Henderson? I thought it was 300 hours or less. A couple of apricot trees you have recommended have been 400 and 500 hours (Blenheim and Royal Rosa), and I am wondering if that is too many.

Quiet Black Canyon river trip awaits

People come from throughout the world to visit Black Canyon, the 12-mile gorge of the Colorado River running downstream from Hoover Dam to Willow Beach, Ariz. Yet, even though it is practically in our backyards, many Southern Nevadans have not even heard of it, let alone cruised its waters.