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Tools should always be sanitized before use on trees

Q: I have 19 mature, healthy Mexican fan palms pruned every year after flowering. This year they were pruned on June 13, but after three weeks one suddenly died and another died two weeks later. I used the same pruning crew for five years with no problems. I removed about 250 square feet of turf from in front of the trees last year with no other significant changes to their irrigation or fertilization regimen.

No quick fix for old irrigation system at condo community

Q: You emphasized it’s better to water longer rather than more often. But what if that’s not possible? Our small condo community has an old irrigation system with everything watered from the same lines. We irrigate for nearly 24 hours. Less than that and small plants really struggle. Is there anything we can do?

Cooler Flagstaff a short drive to Grand Canyon, monuments

Flagstaff, Arizona, is not only a good destination to escape the hotter weather of Southern Nevada, it serves as the perfect base camp for a few one-day side trips to the state’s greatest sights. Within an hour or two from town you can be at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, sliding down a natural water chute near Sedona or visiting any of three national monuments.

Soap sprays leave no residue for returning aphids

Q: During the first year with my apricot tree, I sprayed it with soapy water to control aphids. Every day I check the leaves, but the apids never stop. Is this good a spray to use?

Former sports writer shares first-person account of Ali and ‘Hurricane’ Carter

The first thing Muhammad Ali did as the limousine slowly crept away from the Passaic County Courthouse in Paterson, N.J., was reach into his pocket and take out a fistful of hundred-dollar bills. He placed the wad into one hand of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter while Carter nervously fingered the gold chain around his neck, which was clasped to a glittering gold medallion. How do I know all this? I was the fly on the wall in that limousine.

Glen Canyon rafting trip offers scenery, wildlife and historic sights all in one

Glen Canyon, Ariz., contains one of the few stretches of river whose beauty rivals that of the Grand Canyon farther down the Colorado River. Through smooth-water raft trips, you will treated to a close-up view of Glen Canyon Dam, stunning scenery, plenty of wildlife, and pre-historic and historic sites.

Dad shares tattoo tales in new picture book

Daddy’s arms are good for hugs. They’re big and strong and colorful, too. They look kind of like one of your favorite picture books; in fact, Daddy says the drawings on his arms are just like a story to him. In the new book “Tell Me a Tattoo Story” by Alison McGhee, illustrated by Eliza Wheeler, each picture says something important.

Desert Pines Golf Course set to see future improvements

Fifteen years ago, I moved to Las Vegas for a job transfer. Two weeks in, my new boss said, “Let’s go play golf. I have a favorite course.” That was my introduction to Desert Pines Golf Club.

‘The Storm’ takes teen readers on a wild, wet ride

Science is an interesting thing. It can tell you why the sky is blue and your cat isn’t; why you kinda resemble your great-grandpa, if you squint; and when’s the best time to go moon watching.