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Local Columns

Debating the pros and cons of outsourcing ambulance service

There’s a no-brainer sitting on the table down at City Hall that could benefit the city’s coffers, Las Vegas Fire & Rescue and, of most importance, residents of Las Vegas who require emergency medical service.

Arab American history guide world-expanding for kids

Your best friend, for instance his family came from Mexico. A classmate of yours had ancestors from Africa, and another classmate’s Mom was born in China. Maybe your own grandparents immigrated from Germany , India , or Israel.

Nine times the fun equals wacky memories

Let’s talk wacky golf stuff: unusual experiences that happen on the golf course; memories that will last a long time; stories you’ll tell for years and years; or stories you’ll bury forever.

Trim yucca flower stalks quickly

Question: I have a Yucca that has finally matured enough to flower. Do I leave the flower stock on or cut it off once the flowers are dead?

Peach trees in containers tend to grow, grow, grow

Question: In March of this year I planted a 2-foot tree with few leaves. It now has grown to 4 feet with a wide spread of branches. It is planted in an 18-inch pot in the southeast section of my yard. Will this tree continue to grow in a container? If so, should I transplant it to a larger container? I grow citrus trees in containers and in the ground successfully. This is my first attempt to grow a peach tree.

DEBORAH WALL: Grand Canyon’s North Rim a step above

If a visit to the Grand Canyon National Park is on your summer schedule, I recommend heading to the canyon’s North Rim rather than the better-known and thus more crowded South Rim. The North Rim affords classic views just as stunning as those visible from the South Rim but you get to enjoy them in cooler weather. Summer daytime high temperatures on the North Rim average in the 70s. And nighttime lows drop to the 40s, making good sleeping weather for campers.

BOB MORRIS: Pick hibiscus at its peak for herb tea

Question: I have a roselle hibiscus plant. I’m trying to make the Mexican agua de jamaica. It has grown well and has many flowers, but I am afraid I will lose it if I don’t harvest and dry it correctly. When do I harvest it, and how do I dry it?