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Nevada Guard MPs train in Vegas for deployment

With a helicopter whirling overhead and paint-ball guns aimed at targets on the horizon, a contingent of Nevada Army National Guard military police soldiers rehearsed Wednesday for a yearlong tour in Afghanistan where they will replace the first wave of about 30 MPs who deployed last year.

Obesity becoming a national security issue

Soon, America will be too fat to fight. Forget about rampant diabetes, heart attacks and joint problems — the scariest consequence arising out of our losing battle with the bulge is the safety of our country.

Nellis wants to sever ties with CCSD, replace with new charter school

After 10 years of pleas and false hope that the Clark County School District would replace the aging Heard Elementary School with a new school in a quieter part of Nellis Air Force Base, base officials want to sever ties with the school district and have a new charter school built, joining eight other Air Force bases around the country that have charter schools.

Titus bill to study backlog of VA appeals

A bill re-introduced Thursday by Rep. Dina Titus is the latest bid by Congress to get its arm around the handling of disability benefits for military veterans.

US Navy cargo ship runs aground near Okinawa

An American naval cargo ship has run aground off the Japanese coast, east of Okinawa, and efforts are underway to refloat it, the U.S. Navy said Thursday.

Gitmo Navy commander relieved of duties during investigation

The commander of the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay has been relieved of his duties after an investigation uncovered evidence of an inappropriate relationship between him and a civilian woman whose husband was found dead earlier this month.

Las Vegas WWII veteran honored for gallantry

More than 70 years after Frederick Giesz landed on France’s Normandy coast to help liberate the Nazi-occupied country, the French government will show its appreciation for his gallant actions as a U.S. Army soldier with a special medal.

4 cited at Creech Air Force Base in peace week protest

Four people were cited Monday for blocking a road leading to Creech Air Force Base to protest overseas drone warfare operations that are conducted from the base at Indian Springs, 45 miles northwest of Las Vegas, protest organizers said.

Nominee pledges to ‘transform’ VA

President Barack Obama’s choice to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs pledged Tuesday to transform the beleaguered agency, saying that “systematic failures” must be addressed.

Militants blitz through Iraq’s western desert

Sunni militants have blitzed through the vast desert of western Iraq, capturing four towns and three border crossings and deepening the predicament of the Shiite-led government in Baghdad led by Nouri al-Maliki.

80 percent of senior VA executives got bonuses in 2013

Nearly 80 percent of senior executives at the Department of Veterans Affairs got performance bonuses last year despite widespread treatment delays and preventable deaths at VA hospitals and clinics, a top official said Friday.

Las Vegas veteran helps tell Charlie Company’s story of Vietnam War

Willie McTear, of Las Vegas, is one of Charlie Company’s survivors featured in a two-hour documentary that premieres Wednesday on the National Geographic Channel. Titled, “Brothers in War,” it is narrated by Charlie Sheen and based on the book, “The Boys of ’67: Charlie Company’s War in Vietnam.”

Tailhook victim criticizes ‘ludicrous’ sentence in Tuesday’s Nellis court-martial

The Nellis Air Force Base major who pleaded guilty Tuesday to assault of an enlisted man and was ordered to forfeit $3,678 in pay epitomizes the military’s “antiquated, medieval justice system,” said a former Navy helicopter pilot who was a victim of the Tailhook scandal in Las Vegas.

Report: Marines’ deaths in Northern Nevada caused by training misstep

An explosion that killed seven Camp Lejeune Marines during a nighttime training exercise in Northern Nevada was the result of human error and insufficient training, according to the results of a military investigation.