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Nellis Thunderbirds prepare for a big year of air shows

The Thunderbirds aerial demonstration team is back in action after a short season, practicing for a year full of shows in Las Vegas and around the nation.

Detained U.S. veteran oversaw guerrilla group during Korean War

Six decades before he went to North Korea as a curious tourist, Merrill Newman supervised a group of South Korean guerrillas during the Korean War who were perhaps the most hated and feared fighters in the North, former members of the group say.

US tourist’s wife: Detention a ‘dreadful misunderstanding’

The wife of an 85-year-old veteran being detained in North Korea implored authorities on Friday to let her husband return to his anxious family and end what she called a “dreadful misunderstanding.”

Suicides drop in military, but reasons not fully understood

Suicides across the military have dropped by more than 22 percent this year, defense officials said, amid an array of new programs targeting what the Defense Department calls an epidemic that took more service members’ lives last year than the war in Afghanistan did during that same period.

WWII Doolittle Raiders making final toast

The surviving Doolittle Raiders, all in their 90s, considered their place in history for their daring World War II attack on Japan amid thousands of cheering fans, as they prepared for a final ceremonial toast Saturday to their fallen comrades.

Pentagon says foundation to pay death benefits

The Obama administration, scrambling to tamp down a controversy over suspended death benefits for the families of fallen troops, announced Wednesday that a charity would pick up the costs of the payments during the government shutdown.

Military jury convicts soldier in Fort Hood attack

Maj. Nidal Hasan has been convicted of premeditated murder for the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood. That means he’s now eligible for the death penalty.

Marine answers mid-race plea, helps child cross finish line

A photo that has gone viral this week shows an unlikely coupling at a race: a Marine in his gear and a young boy struggling to make it to the finish line of a 5k race.

Navy completes 1st unmanned carrier landing

The Navy successfully landed a drone the size of a fighter jet aboard an aircraft carrier for the first time Wednesday, showcasing the military’s capability to have a computer program perform one of the most difficult tasks that a pilot is asked to do.

Military plans would put women in most combat jobs

WASHINGTON — Military leaders are ready to begin tearing down the remaining walls that have prevented women from holding thousands of combat and special operations jobs near the front lines.

Soldier to admit Afghan massacre

SEATTLE — The Army staff sergeant charged with slaughtering 16 villagers in one of the worst atrocities of the Afghanistan war will plead guilty to avoid the death penalty in a deal that requires him to recount the horrific attack for the first time, his attorney told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Obama: Don’t take American troops for granted

ARLINGTON, Va. — President Barack Obama said Monday that Americans must honor the sacrifices of their fighting men and women, particularly at a time when the U.S. combat role in Iraq has ended and the country’s involvement in Afghanistan is winding down.

Obama defends drone strikes but says no cure-all

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Thursday defended America’s controversial drone attacks as legal, effective and a necessary linchpin in an evolving U.S. counterterrorism policy. But he acknowledged the targeted strikes are no “cure-all” and said he is haunted by the civilians unintentionally killed.