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Nation and World

National Christmas tree dark before charity dollars allow reopening

The lights were not twinkling. The toy trains were not whirring. Even the nearby bathrooms were locked. The national Christmas tree, symbol of a country’s seasonal cheer, instead stood as an icon of a government in paralysis, as the partial shutdown stretched into the holiday.

Air crash kills governor, ex-governor of Mexico’s Puebla state

MEXICO CITY — Mexican officials say a husband-and-wife political power couple who were the current and ex-governors of Puebla state have died in what local media report was an aircraft crash on Christmas Eve.

Replace Christmas greed and gluttony with simple love, pope says

Pope Francis urged Christians on Monday to forgo the greed, gluttony and materialism of Christmas and to focus instead on its message of simplicity, charity and love.

Government shutdown likely to stretch into next week or beyond

President Donald Trump was meeting with his Homeland Security secretary and other officials on Monday to discuss border security issues as a partial government shutdown over his U.S.-Mexico border wall entered Christmas without a clear resolution in sight.

Trump signs bill naming post office after fallen Army captain

President Donald Trump has signed into law a bill naming a Virginia post office for fallen U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, whose father criticized the then-candidate in a 2016 Democratic National Convention speech.

Charity buys and erases past-due medical debt

Philip Sasser had a familiar, sinking feeling when he saw the yellow envelope in his mailbox. He figured it was another past-due medical bill, but it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Trump reportedly agrees to visit Turkey in 2019

A Turkish official says President Donald Trump has accepted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s invitation to visit the country that straddles Asia and Europe.

Netanyahu’s coalition collapses, Israeli elections set for April

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government agreed Monday to hold early elections in April after the ruling coalition appeared to come up short on votes needed to pass a contentious piece of court-ordered legislation.

Experts unsure what caused tsunami, why there was no warning

Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Monday toured areas devastated by his country’s latest tsunami, as efforts to collect the hundreds of dead and save the injured were stepped up and scientists collected evidence on how a volcanic eruption triggered the tragedy.