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Nation and World

White House delays key element of health care law

On Tuesday, President Barack Obama’s administration unexpectedly announced a one-year delay, until after the 2014 elections, in a central requirement of the law that medium and large companies provide coverage for their workers or face fines.

Drug overdose deaths spike among middle-aged women

Middle-aged women account for the fastest-growing share of overdose deaths in the U.S., and their drug of choice is usually prescription painkillers, the government reported Tuesday.

Face transplant patient celebrates life in public

BALTIMORE — In the 15 years between a shotgun blast that ravaged the bottom half of Richard Norris’ face and the face transplant that ended a hermit-like life for him, the man from rural southwest Virginia faced cruelty from strangers, fought addiction and contemplated suicide.

Judge: Hobby Lobby won’t have to pay fines

Hobby Lobby and a sister company will not be subject to $1.3 million in daily fines beginning Monday for failing to provide access to certain forms of birth control through its employees’ health care plans, a judge ruled Friday.

Study: Wiser use of prescription medicines could cut health costs

TRENTON, N.J. — If doctors and patients used prescription drugs more wisely, they could save the U.S. health care system at least $213 billion a year, by reducing medication overuse, underuse and other flaws in care that cause complications and longer, more-expensive treatments, researchers conclude.

Court says isolated human genes cannot be patented

The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously threw out attempts to patent human genes, siding with advocates who say the multibillion-dollar biotechnology industry should not have exclusive control over genetic information found inside the human body.

‘Crack baby’ scare overblown, teen research says

Research in teens adds fresh evidence that the 1980s “crack baby” scare was overblown, finding little proof of any major long-term ill effects in children whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy.

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