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Nation and World

Activists still inspired by Declaration of Independence

Shauna Marie O’Toole is a transgender activist who has lobbied New York State lawmakers for legal protections. Convinced that “no amount of science” would win over opponents, she decided that an “emotional statement” was needed, one drawing upon words as rooted as any in American history.

1 killed, more than 100 wounded in Kabul bomb blast

The Taliban set off a powerful bomb in downtown Kabul on Monday, killing at least one person and wounding more than a hundred, and sending a cloud of smoke billowing over the Afghan capital.

Iran says it has breached stockpile limit under nuclear deal

Iran acknowledged Monday it had broken the limit set on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by the 2015 nuclear deal, marking its first major departure from the unraveling agreement a year after the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the accord.

In central US, levee breaches flood some communities

Crews were making a “last ditch effort” on Saturday to save low-lying parts of a small Arkansas cityfrom floodwaters pouring through a breached levee, and authorities downstream were warning people to leave aneighborhood that sits across the swollen river from the state capital.

US now seeking social media details from all visa applicants

The State Department is now requiring nearly all applicants for U.S. visas to submit their social mediausernames, previous email addresses and phone numbers. It’s a vast expansion of the Trump administration’s enhancedscreening of potential immigrants and visitors.

Zion National Park in Utah sees new baby condor

Park rangers said Thursday that they suspect a pair of endangered California condors has hatched their first egg because of behavior changes between the birds.

Virginia Beach shooter had security pass

Authorities in Virginia would not say whether the man believed to have opened fire on co-workers at a city municipalbuilding was facing any sort of disciplinary action related to his employment.

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