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Nation and World

Long-suffering Detroit finally turns to bankruptcy

At the height of its industrial power, Detroit was an irrepressible engine of the American economy, offering well-paying jobs, a gateway to the middle class for generations of autoworkers and affordable vehicles that put the world on wheels.

Bipartisan agreement on border security near in Senate

WASHINGTON — After secretive talks, key senators expressed optimism Wednesday night that they were closing in on a bipartisan agreement to toughen the border security requirements in immigration legislation that also offers a path to citizenship to millions living in the country illegally.

Obama urges ‘bold ‘ nuclear cuts in Berlin Speech

Summoning the harsh history of this once-divided city, President Barack Obama on Wednesday cautioned the U.S. and Europe against “complacency” brought on by peace, pledging to cut America’s deployed nuclear weapons by one-third if Cold War foe Russia does the same.

FBI digging at former home of famed New York mobster

NEW YORK — Jackhammers are digging under a New York City house once occupied by a famous gangster who is said to have buried victims in familiar places.

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