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Nation and World

No celebration planned as former President Carter turns 95

Jimmy Carter is celebrating his 95th birthday, becoming the first U.S. president to reach that milestone as he continues his humanitarian work and occasionally wades back into politics and policy debates almost four decades after leaving office.

N. Korea says stalled nuclear talks with US to resume this weekend

North Korea and the United States have agreed to resume nuclear negotiations this weekend following a months-long stalemate over the withdrawal of sanctions in exchange for disarmament, a senior North Korean diplomat said Tuesday.

US consumers may see higher prices in escalating trade war

President Donald Trump said U.S.-China trade talks were still on for September. “We’ll see what happens,” he said. “But we can’t allow China to rip us off anymore as a country.”

Markets sink as Trump details remaining 10% tariffs on China imports

President Donald Trump intensified pressure Thursday on China to reach a trade deal by saying that beginning Sept. 1, he will impose 10% tariffs on the remaining $300 billion in Chinese imports he hasn’t already taxed. The move immediately sent stock prices sinking.

Pompeo ready, but North Korea meeting on nukes unlikely

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday the Trump administration remains ready to resume talks with North Korea now, although he regretted that a meeting between the two sides is unlikely at an Asian security conference this week in Thailand.

Activists still inspired by Declaration of Independence

Shauna Marie O’Toole is a transgender activist who has lobbied New York State lawmakers for legal protections. Convinced that “no amount of science” would win over opponents, she decided that an “emotional statement” was needed, one drawing upon words as rooted as any in American history.

Iran says it has breached stockpile limit under nuclear deal

Iran acknowledged Monday it had broken the limit set on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by the 2015 nuclear deal, marking its first major departure from the unraveling agreement a year after the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the accord.

Trump seeks $4.5B for emergency humanitarian needs at border

The Trump administration on Wednesday asked Congress for an additional $4.5 billion in emergency funds for the U.S.-Mexico border as the administration contends with a surge of Central American migrant families, with the bulk of the funding for shelter and care.