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Nation and World

Senate passes sweeping tax-reform bill

Republicans tweaked a $1.4 trillion tax-cut package to win over holdout GOP senators Friday (Sat here) and passedthe first sweeping reform of the nation’s tax code in 30 years.

Ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI

Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, admits he lied to the FBI in January about two December phone calls he had with then Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Residents coached on preparing for Nevada-style natural disasters

Texas residents knew for days that Hurricane Harvey was coming. But for Nevadans, who call the third-most seismically active state in the country home, a mobile-phone warning would come just minutes before a major earthquake.

US Senate confirms Wray as new FBI director

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed former Justice Department lawyer Christopher Wray as FBI chief, nearly three months after the agency’s previous director, James Comey, was fired by President Donald Trump.

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to rule on travel ban

President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to revive his ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority nations after it was blocked by lower courts that found it was discriminatory.

Energy department awards $202.94M contract for Nevada sites

SOC LLC to provide facility protection, patrol services and protection of nuclear materials at Nevada National Security Site and some facilities at Nellis Air Force Base for up to five years under terms of the deal.

Trump invites controversial Philippine leader Duterte for visit

Signaling what’s perhaps a warming relationship between their two countries, President Donald Trump invited Philippine President Rodrigo Dutertef to the White House.

Remembering Nevada’s ‘Wild West’ division in World War I

At the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entry into the “war to end all wars,” the improbable tale of the Army’s 91st “Wild West” Division — a ragtag legion of shopkeepers, cowboys, farmers, miners, Native Americans and immigrant railroad workers who helped change the course of history — demands one more telling.