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Nation and World

Selfless act paying off for Boston homeless man

More than $68,000 in donations have poured in from people around the country for a Boston homeless man who turned over to police a backpack stuffed with cash that he had found outside a shopping mall.

Hundreds of snakes found at suburban NY man’s home

A Long Island animal control officers had hundreds of snakes, including two 6-foot Burmese pythons, at his home, where he ran an illegal side business selling the animals, authorities said Thursday.

NFL seeks $1.5M from M.I.A. over Super Bowl finger

M.I.A. said she’s been subjected to a year and a half of legal harassment by the NFL since she extended a middle finger while performing alongside Madonna at the Super Bowl XLVI halftime show in 2012.

Brain-eating amoeba rattles nerves in Louisiana parish

While officials try to pin down the source of a deadly amoeba found in the water supply of a suburban New Orleans community, bottled water sales in St. Bernard Parish have skyrocketed and some people worry about washing their faces in the shower.

Climate report struggles with temperature quirks

Scientists working on a landmark U.N. report on climate change are struggling over how to address a wrinkle in the meteorological data that has given ammunition to global-warming skeptics: The heating of Earth’s surface appears to have slowed in the past 15 years even though greenhouse gas emissions keep rising.

For leak, Bradley Manning gets stiffest punishment

Army Pfc. Bradley Manning stood at attention in his crisp dress uniform Wednesday and learned the price he will pay for spilling an unprecedented trove of government secrets: up to 35 years in prison, the stiffest punishment ever handed out in the U.S. for leaking to the media.

Suspect’s family wants DNA test on Hannah Anderson

The family of a man suspected of kidnapping a 16-year-old girl and killing her mother and younger brother has asked for paternity tests to determine if the suspect fathered the children — a suggestion that was quickly refuted by the victims’ family.

Details emerge about GA. school shooting suspect

The man accused of exchanging gunfire with police at a Georgia school didn”;t seem to have any friends and rarely talked about his family or past during the months he lived with a couple who serve as pastors at a small church.

Brother testifies for defense in Afghan massacre

A brother of the U.S. soldier who slaughtered 16 Afghan civilians last year began making the case Wednesday for why he should one day be eligible for parole, portraying him as a patriotic American and indulgent father who let his son put ranch dressing on chocolate chip pancakes.

NSA collected thousands of US communications

The National Security Agency declassified three secret court opinions Wednesday showing how in one of its surveillance programs it scooped up as many as 56,000 emails and other communications by Americans not connected to terrorism annually over three years, revealed the error to the court – which ruled its actions unconstitutional – and then fixed the problem.

Nixon tapes span Watergate, Soviet Summit

President Richard Nixon had just delivered his first major national address on the Watergate scandal that would ultimately cost him the White House when the calls of support began pouring in.

Facebook aims to “friend” the world online

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to get all of the world’s 7 billion people online through a partnership with some of the largest mobile technology companies.

No defense from suspect in 2009 Fort Hood shooting

The soldier on trial for the deadly 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood refused to put up a fight on Wednesday, resting his case without calling a single witness or testifying in his own defense.

Study: Oil in Gulf likely came from rig wreckage

A team of researchers has concluded that pockets of oil trapped in the wreckage of the sunken Deepwater Horizon are the likely source of oil sheens that have been spotted in the Gulf of Mexico near the site of the deadly 2010 explosion on the BP-leased drilling rig.

Phil Mickelson wins Open Championship for 1st time

Instead of another excruciating loss in a major championship, Phil Mickelson got a chance to celebrate early.

A brilliant closing round at challenging Muirfield made it possible.

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