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Nation and World

Secretary of state’s wife hospitalized in Boston

BOSTON — Teresa Heinz Kerry, the wife of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and heir to a ketchup company fortune, was hospitalized in critical condition Sunday while on Massachusetts’ Nantucket Island.

BLM plan for sage-grouse habitat draws challenge

A conservation group is asking a federal judge to set aside federal land managers’ plans to remove sagebrush, pinion pines and junipers across a large swath of public lands in eastern Nevada.

Russia official: Venezuela last chance for Snowden

An influential Russian parliament member who often speaks for the Kremlin encouraged NSA leaker Edward Snowden on Sunday to accept Venezuela’s offer of asylum.

Official: Asiana flight tried to abort landing

Pilots of Asiana Flight 214 were flying too slowly as they approached San Francisco airport, triggering a control board warning that the jetliner could stall, and then tried to abort the landing seconds before crashing, according to federal safety officials.

Ohio man faces 329 charges in missing women case

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man accused of holding three women captive in his run-down home in Cleveland for a decade and fathering a child with one of them has been indicted on 329 charges including murder, kidnapping and rape, prosecutors said.

California serial killer Richard Ramirez dies

LOS ANGELES — Richard Ramirez, the demonic serial killer who left satantic signs at murder scenes and mutilated victims’ bodies during a reign of terror in the 1980s, died early Friday in a hospital, a prison official said.

Whole Foods reviewing language policy amid New Mexico flap

Whole Foods Market is reviewing its employee language policy after two of its Spanish-speaking workers in New Mexico said they were suspended after complaining about it, a company spokeswoman said Friday.

AP sources: Texas actress arrested in ricin case

DALLAS — A pregnant Texas actress who told FBI agents her husband had sent ricin-tainted letters to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been arrested for allegedly sending the letters herself, law enforcement officials said Friday.

Obama defends phone data collection program

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama vigorously defended sweeping secret surveillance into America’s phone records and foreigners’ Internet use, declaring “we have to make choices as a society.”

Putin’s divorce breaks taboo in Russian politics

Vladimir Putin’s divorce from his wife of nearly 30 years has broken a taboo for Russian officials, who almost never speak publicly about their personal life let alone their personal problems.

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