In a Nov. 20, 2019, photo, Nancy Holling-Lonnecker, 71, poses with a picture taken of her as a …

In a Nov. 20, 2019, photo, Nancy Holling-Lonnecker, 71, poses with a picture taken of her as a ...

In a Nov. 20, 2019, photo, Nancy Holling-Lonnecker, 71, poses with a picture taken of her as a young girl, at her home in San Diego. Holling-Lonnecker plans to take advantage of an upcoming three-year window in California that allows people to make claims of sexual abuse no matter how old. Her claim dates back to the 1950s when she says a priest repeatedly raped her in a confession booth beginning when she was 7 years old. “The survivors coming forward now have been holding on to this horrific experience all of their lives,” she said. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)