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News Columns

Journalist writes about the wild days of a wicked city

Retired Associated Press reporter Brendan Riley wrote a book about the ugly, vicious yet fascinating side of Vallejo, California, which parallels the rough side of Nevada’s gambling centers and involves some of the same characters.

Meals on Wheels may end up better off in Nevada

Because of underfunding and Catholic Charities’ desire to reach as many seniors as possible with its Meals on Wheels program,the agency provides lower cost “flash frozen” nutritious meals to seniors. It currently costs the agency about $5.12 to make, package and deliver a meal while it can cost around $9 to deliver a hot one.

Mentally challenged man learns that not everyone is his friend

Two weeks ago Derek Bernath, who has obvious cognitive deficits, was playing a game of Marco Polo in a condominium pool with people he thought were his friends. As it turned out, they stole his phone.

Forget stigma, boomers: Get tested for hepatis C

While it’s possible the government’s position on transmission of hepatitis C among boomers may have resulted in less testing, it’s critical today boomers forget any fears of stigma and get the easy blood test.

Estate planning can save your family plenty of money and heartache later

Jay Larsen, an attorney who specializes in estate planning, said the worst thing baby boomers can do is to let estate planning fall by the wayside. Much of what you wanted to leave to family can get eaten up in attorney fees.

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